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Our Charity Events

These are some of the Charities that are close to our Heart.


The MOST important race of the year is for "Kids" who are racing for life against their cancer.  Each year teams come together at Sebring International Speedway and put on several races as well as entertain approximately one hundred children with their families for three days of fun and an escape from all that they are going through in their race for life.

Each day for an hour and a half we take all the "kids" out in our cars and let them "race" as they set the speed that we travel. Thumbs up, go faster. Thumps down slow down. Hand out the window is I am going to throw up. There is even a 100 mph t-shit issued and signed by the driver when 100 mph is exceeded. 


This event always places our lives back into perspective as well as tears in our eyes.   


Kids for life FB page.


A yearly gathering of Porsche' s at a small cottage that has been turned into a cancer support center for women with breast cancer  is another great cause for TGP Racing as several wives of fellow racers and close Porsche friends are faced with this battle. 


The day is spent with wonderful interaction and support for all those that need the free services that are provided in their fight as well as a wonderful scenic drive to a special place to eat. Money has been raised over the year as well as well as through this charity event with donations received that day. Last year a check of $1,500.00 was presented to this special group.  


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