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Our Sponsers

BGB Motorsport Group

BGB's philosophy reflects what they are all about which is: "BGB puts forth a great effort and with great pride to adapt to the ever changing performance landscape that is Porsche"

While all that they do (which is anything and everything for any Porsche) at BGB is spectacular and done right and to perfection, it is John Tecce and his great professional staff of people that make it all such a wonderful experience. I have had the great pleasure of knowing John, Hector, Wray and all the other great folks at BGB (and of course Mason the shop dog who Dexter loves to visit) for many years. What they do is beyond wonderful. It is beauty, creativity, performance, handling, safety, and perfection with all things Porsche. BGB is a small very caring shop in Ormond Beach Florida, with several IMSA Championships to their name and actively races their special built races cars in the several professional series. They are there for track support as well as private coaching and  driver education events and can be found at tracks across America. Please see their web site and contact them as you can not go wrong with all that they can do in the Porsche world. 


6C West Tower Circle, Unit #102 Ormond Beach, Florida 32174                Web:
t: 386-265-1979 f: 386-492-7817     


Lou Verdiales sometimes know as the turbo wisper to many of  us as there is nothing that he can't do win regards to Porshe's and in fact sort of like the TV show the dog wisper he teaches us how to handle our Porsche's as we sometimes are the problem. Lou is a very respected person in the Porsche would and is still currently the technical adviser and on the technical committee for Porsche Club of North America. 

Lou who is course the other part of TGP Racing (Two Guys and a Porsche) is a honest, kind and ever so caring of a person not only to his very large family of Porsche lovers, but even more so to the Porsche's  that they own that are often more than just a car and in fact part of their families.   From restoration of the old to the  modern maintenance of the new Lou can do it all.   His wisdom, experience and first hand experience having been there and don that with all things Porsche is beyond belief.  T say he cares about his customers (as well as the Porsche brotherhood) and their Porsche' is an understatement. His beautiful shop is in South Daytona and is an experience all in itself to visit and see all the wonderful projects that are going on. Lou and his wife are kind, gentle, wonderful people, who care about others and their cars. As a side note their 10 dogs are great and fun to see at the shop.   Dexter likes them to.   


Address: 2430 S Nova Rd, Daytona Beach, FL 32119

Phone(386) 304-0380

IMEDGE Custom Embroidery For Motorsports

Custom Race Suits, Shirts, Patches, Logos and Set up, gloves Hats and other apparel.

Lois knows what she is doing and is a great creative person. I know many of her clients and they all love her and her work.

(704) 506-0319

Zotz Racing

Zotz Racing is an extended family history of great racing and wining as well a all things Porsche over the last 50 years. I have had the pleasure of Knowing Ron, his wonderful family and staff for many years and look forward to seeing them at so many track events. They are greatly respected among the Porsche Racing world. Even more so within the part time and club Porsche racers as well as for coaching and support.  

I have several good friends who have used Ron and his staff for their club and Vintage racing  series activities in both coaching and complete race car support including transport to and from the many tracks in America.  Ron has been instrumental in my instructing and coaching abilities as a mentor and with great support with his timeless wisdom.  It is always a pleasure to see his smile and enjoy some good conversation with his great hospitality. 


For all things in performance Porsche and track support from the beginner to the expert Ron and Zots Racing is a must and located in the Orlando area.   




Custom graphics for race cars, Helmets, cars, vans, boats and even our pit bikes for the track.    Rusty and Auston are the best. They do our graphics and much mare.

Many race teams use them as they have a great client list. They think outside the box and create what you have imaged and with a flare. 


May include a sudden increase in sales and extreme satisfaction after application!!!!!!

Phone (386) 333 9906

1842 South Segrave Street Suite A South Daytona, FL 32119​


Drivers Choice Motor, inc

MIke and Simon of Drivers Experience in Orlando are another great example of all things Porsche with not only great professional service for all things Porsche but also with great track support for the drivers education and tack day events

I have had the great pleasure of knowing then for many years.  Seeing them in action at so many track events each year and how helpful they are to anyone in any way they can be is just a pleasure to know and be around them.   They both are real honest and  down to earth kind professionals that have a passion for people and their Porsche's.  One is always in good hands with them.



W. Marvin Ave. Longwood, FL 32750


Robert Kerr and his people are the best in track side photography. I have used them many times and he is on the crew list at many of our race events

He is well published and does unbelievable work even in the poring rain at Sebring. See some of his great work on our Rothmans Photo Gallery. The rain shots of us racing in the rain as well as many others. E-mail Robert at  (585) 737-2799 


Mike and Leslie are the BEST as they are Professional photographers and take their office with them to all the major races. They have an unbelievable truck and trailer (in fact their house truck I think has more square footage than my first apartment.  

The trailer has 8 computers to see your track photos and is even air conditioned on those hot track days or just to cool off. They are out of Orlando and are always at the Audi Event at Daytona in December. Great people who do great work. The night shots Mike took are shown in our Daytona Event as well as most of the Daytona photos. See Rothmans Photo's as well as Daytona shots in our photo gallery. I have had the pleasure of knowing them for 10 years.  

Mike and Lesley (847) 456-6514


BMW race and performance work at it's best. Full track support All Wheel Drive and Two Wheel Drive. 

 The best is their full DYNO services for all cars or performance vehicles.  Mike is wonderful and oh yes they are good with Porsches and other cars to. Friendly and very customer service with lots of supporting help at the shop or the track.  Mike is a great driver to as I have had the pleasure of being on the track with him. 

Orlando, Florida Race Shop

Fabrication and Restoration Services

(407) 703-2697


VINTAGE MOTORCYCLES SERVICE AT ITS BEST!!!! Tony Foster is brilliant in his knowledge and the art of repair and creation of all things Vintage Motorcycles.  

HIs is your go to guy for all things not Harley (yes he can do them well to) as his work is top notch.  Honda, Yamaha, Suzuki, Norton Triumph and BSA and in fact all things Japanese as well as British. His experience in all things motorcycles is amazing and I enjoy all his time and stories. He makes the time for you and treats all his work as if it was his. My 1976 Honda 750 as well as my new project 1972 Honda 350 Scrambler have his great touch on them with the 1972 Honda 350 being most all his great work.  Should be ready in May so stay tuned for pictures. I have been an old school motorcycle mechanic as well as racing them for many years has my hat off to Tony. I have had about 40 motorcycles over my 54 years of riding and over a million miles on them through every state and Europe.  This all thanks to a old TV show called Then Came Bronson as well as Easy Rider.  Look them up and see what it is all about.     I have never ever not enjoyed throwing my leg over a Motorcycle and seeing and experiencing "life".  


1842 South Seagrave Street Unit E

Over 35 years of Performance!



(386) 253-2586


Some good track phots as Jeff does some good work. He does event photos as well as prints and framed on site.  Web site.  E-Mail

(631) 478-2316 cell  (239) 282-1987  Office


(closed but yet still alive)

While what I, as well as so many others in the Porsche racing world consider the greatest Porsche dealership of them all and one that has done more for the enrichment and for the history of Porsche racing in America as well as the world has retired from it's Jacksonville Florida home the number 59 lives on and is proudly displayed at TGP Racing. Hurley Haywood, Ray Schaffer, Bill Bianco as well as all the great folks their inspired and and helped TGP Racing in so many ways over the years. 

To have Hurley as a driving instructor for a day at a race track was unbelievable to say the least. Brumos Porsche brought me (as well as so many others) into The Porsche world of racing and Porsche cars in ways that I still have a hard time realizing all that I was able to see and do with them actually happened at times. It was always a great pleasure to have been able to order and buy several Porsche's from them as well as to get the word out to others  who became part of the great Brumos family.  So while Brumos Porsche may not actually exist as a Porsche dealer in Jacksonville with their motto "we race what we sell"  the extended family and belief that they created lives on and is a part of TGP Racing as well as myself.      

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